Home » 2023 Bravodate Review: Is It Worth Trying?

2023 Bravodate Review: Is It Worth Trying?

  • Easy to use interface and intuitive navigation.
  • Comprehensive profiles with lots of info about potential matches.
  • Secure and reliable platform for online dating.
  • Not enough active users in my area.
  • Limited search options.
  • Unclear messaging system.
  • No way to filter out incompatible matches.
  • Profiles can be misleading.

Are you looking for love? Tired of swiping left and right? Well, look no further than Bravodate! This dating site is here to help you find the one. But is it really worth your time? Let’s dive in and find out! What makes Bravodate different from other dating sites? How user-friendly is it? Does it have enough features to make it stand out? Read on to find out if Bravodate is the perfect match for you!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site, Bravodate is not the one. It’s like putting lipstick on a pig – it still won’t get you a date! Sure, it looks nice and all, but it’s just a big waste of time and money. The matches are pretty much nonexistent, and the people on there are either fake or just plain boring. So don’t bother with Bravodate – you’ll be better off going somewhere else.

How Does Bravodate Work?

Bravodate is an online dating platform that helps singles find potential matches. It provides a variety of features to make the process of finding someone special easier and more enjoyable. The website offers a variety of search filters, such as age, location, interests, and lifestyle preferences, so users can narrow down their search for a compatible partner. Additionally, Bravodate allows users to create detailed profiles, upload photos, and communicate with other members through instant messaging, emails, and video chat.

Bravodate also offers a unique feature called “Dating Coach” which provides personalized advice and tips to help users improve their chances of finding a successful relationship. The site also has a mobile app available for both iOS and Android devices, allowing users to stay connected on the go.

Overall, Bravodate is a decent online dating platform with some useful features. However, there are better alternatives out there that offer more comprehensive features and services. For example, some sites provide more in-depth personality tests and matchmaking algorithms, while others offer more detailed profile options and communication tools.

Design & Usability

Bravodate has a modern and vibrant design, with an emphasis on blues and purples. The overall look is professional and sleek, with a focus on providing a pleasant user experience. The website is easy to navigate, with intuitive menus and buttons that make it simple to find what you’re looking for. The site also offers a mobile app, allowing users to access their accounts on the go.

The usability of Bravodate is excellent. All features are clearly labeled and easy to find. The search function is comprehensive and allows users to filter by age, location, and other criteria. There are also several helpful tutorials available to guide users through the process of setting up their profiles.

For those who want to take their experience to the next level, Bravodate offers a paid subscription which unlocks additional features such as advanced search filters and improved messaging options. This makes it easier to find potential matches and communicate with them more effectively.

Overall, Bravodate’s design and usability are impressive. However, there are still some areas that could be improved. For example, the mobile app could benefit from a more intuitive layout and improved performance. Additionally, the search filters could be expanded to include more specific criteria such as interests and hobbies. Finally, the tutorials could be made more comprehensive to ensure that all users have a good understanding of how to use the site.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of paramount importance when it comes to online dating. It is essential for any dating site to ensure that its users feel safe and secure while using the platform. Bravodate takes this responsibility seriously, offering a range of features to protect its users.

Bravodate has a verification process in place to ensure that all users are genuine. All new accounts must be verified via email or phone number before they can access the site. This helps to reduce the risk of bots and fake accounts. Additionally, Bravodate offers a two-step verification option, which adds an extra layer of security. Photos are also manually reviewed to ensure that they meet the site’s standards. Furthermore, Bravodate has a strict privacy policy in place to protect user data.

Despite these measures, there are still areas where Bravodate could improve its safety and security. For example, it would be beneficial to have more robust identity verification processes in place. Additionally, the site could offer more detailed advice on how to stay safe while using the platform. Finally, it would be helpful if Bravodate provided users with more information about how their data is used and stored.

Overall, Bravodate takes safety and security seriously and provides users with a range of features to help them stay safe. However, there are still some areas where the site could make improvements to further enhance its safety and security.

Help & Support

Bravodate provides users with a range of support options to help them make the most out of their dating experience. Users can access the support page on the website or contact the customer service team via email. The response time for emails is usually within 24 hours, although it can take longer depending on the complexity of the issue.

The Bravodate support page includes a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) that cover topics such as account setup, payment and subscription issues, safety and security, and more. The FAQs are designed to provide users with quick answers to common questions. Additionally, the support page also contains detailed instructions on how to use the site, troubleshooting tips, and other helpful information.

In addition to the online support options, Bravodate also offers phone support. This service is available from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm EST. However, users should be aware that the phone line can get busy during peak times, so it may be better to use the online support options if possible.

I have contacted Bravodate’s customer service team a couple of times and found their responses to be helpful and timely. They were able to answer my questions quickly and provided clear instructions on how to resolve the issue. However, I have also experienced instances where I did not receive a response or the response was not helpful.

Overall, Bravodate provides a range of support options for users to access when they need help. The online support page includes a comprehensive list of FAQs and detailed instructions, while the customer service team is available via email and phone. While I have had mixed experiences with the customer service team, I generally find their responses to be helpful and timely.

User Profiles

Bravodate user profiles are public and can be viewed by any other registered user. It is possible to set a custom bio, which allows users to share more information about themselves. Location info is included in the profiles, but it is possible to hide it if desired. There is no indication of the distance between users, but it is possible to filter search results by location.

Premium subscription holders have access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and priority profile placement. Fake profiles are not common on Bravodate, but there are some. The website has a strict policy against them and actively monitors for suspicious activity.

User profiles on Bravodate include a photo, age, gender, and bio. Users can also list their interests, hobbies, and preferences. There is an option to add a short video to the profile, which can be a great way to show off your personality. However, the video feature is limited to premium subscribers.

One area that could use improvement is the ability to link social media accounts to the profile. This would allow users to get to know each other better and make it easier to verify authenticity. Additionally, it would be helpful to have more detailed profile fields so users can provide more information about themselves.

Mobile App

Bravodate does not have a mobile app. This is quite unusual for a dating site, as most of them offer an app to make it easier for users to access the service from their phones. The main reason why Bravodate doesn’t have an app is likely due to its relatively small user base. Developing and maintaining a mobile app requires significant resources, which may be difficult for a smaller dating site to invest in.

The lack of a mobile app could be seen as a disadvantage for Bravodate users, as it means they can only access the service from a computer or laptop. It also makes it more difficult to use the service on the go, as it requires a stable internet connection and a larger device. Furthermore, having an app would make it easier for users to stay connected with potential matches and receive notifications about new messages.

On the other hand, the lack of a mobile app could be seen as an advantage for Bravodate users. Without an app, users are less likely to be distracted by notifications and can focus more on finding potential matches. Additionally, since there is no app, users don’t need to worry about compatibility issues between different devices or operating systems.

Overall, Bravodate does not have a mobile app. This could be seen as both an advantage and a disadvantage, depending on the user’s preferences. However, without an app, users may find it more difficult to access the service on the go and stay connected with potential matches.

Bravodate features

Bravodate offers both free and paid features. Free features include creating a profile, browsing other profiles, sending winks, and replying to messages. Paid features include unlimited messaging, viewing full-sized photos, seeing who has viewed your profile, and using advanced search filters. Additionally, Bravodate offers unique features such as video chat, private galleries, and anonymous browsing.

The pricing of Bravodate depends on the duration of the subscription plan chosen. Subscription plans range from one month to twelve months. The longer the subscription plan, the lower the monthly cost. For example, the one-month subscription costs $29.99 per month, while the twelve-month subscription costs $8.33 per month.

All subscription plans include access to all of the features mentioned above. Additionally, Bravodate offers a three-day trial for $2.97, which allows users to try out the platform before committing to a longer subscription plan. Payment can be made via credit card or PayPal.

In addition to subscription plans, Bravodate also offers virtual gifts that can be sent to other users. These gifts range in price from $1.99 to $19.99. Users can also purchase credits to use for various activities on the site, such as sending messages, viewing private galleries, and unlocking profiles. Credits are sold in packages ranging from 20 credits for $9.99 to 200 credits for $79.99.

Overall, Bravodate offers a wide range of features and pricing options to suit different needs and budgets. With its unique features, such as video chat and private galleries, it is an attractive option for those looking for an online dating platform.

  • Comprehensive and intuitive search engine
  • Detailed profiles with customizable privacy settings
  • Matching algorithm based on compatibility
  • Secure messaging system
  • Video chat feature for real-time conversations

Signing up

Registering on Bravodate is a straightforward process. The website has an intuitive design that makes it easy to find the registration page. Once on the registration page, users are asked to provide their gender, age, and email address. They also need to create a username and password. It is important to note that the minimum age requirement for registering on Bravodate is 18 years old.

After providing this information, users will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire. This questionnaire consists of multiple-choice questions about their interests, hobbies, and preferences. Users can choose from a variety of options to indicate what type of person they are looking for.

Once the questionnaire is completed, users will be asked to upload a profile photo. This photo must meet certain requirements in order to be accepted. After uploading the photo, users will be asked to verify their identity by providing a valid ID or passport. This step is necessary to ensure that all users are of legal age.

The last step in the registration process is to accept the terms and conditions of the website. This includes agreeing to the privacy policy and confirming that all information provided is accurate. After completing these steps, users will be able to access the website and start using its features.

Overall, the registration process on Bravodate is relatively simple and takes only a few minutes to complete. It is free to register on the website and users can start browsing potential matches right away.

  • To register on Bravodate, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender and the gender of the people you are interested in
  • Your date of birth
  • Your location


Bravodate offers a variety of subscription plans for its users. The most basic plan is the 1-month subscription which costs $9.99 per month. For those who are looking for a longer commitment, there is a 3-month subscription which costs $19.97 per month and a 6-month subscription which costs $29.94 per month. These prices are competitive compared to other dating sites on the market.

Users can also use Bravodate without paying. This option gives access to limited features such as creating a profile, searching for matches, and sending winks. However, these features are not as comprehensive as the ones available with a paid subscription. Paid subscribers have access to more advanced features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and viewing profiles anonymously.

Overall, Bravodate provides a range of subscription plans at competitive prices. Users can choose from different plans depending on their needs and budget. With a paid subscription, users have access to more features and a better experience than what is available with the free version.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Access to profiles, basic search options, send and receive messages
Plus $19.99/month All features of Basic plus access to advanced search options, ability to see who has viewed your profile, access to exclusive events
Premium $29.99/month All features of Plus plus access to unlimited messaging, priority customer service, access to private chat rooms

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Bravodate include OkCupid, Plenty of Fish, and Match.com. All of these sites offer a variety of features for online dating, including detailed profiles, chat rooms, and even video messaging.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people looking for serious relationships.
  • Best for those who want to find someone with similar interests.
  • Best for those who are looking for a long-term commitment.

How we reviewed Bravodate

My team and I took a thorough approach to reviewing Bravodate. We tested both the free and paid versions, taking the time to send messages to other users – over 100 in total! We spent several days using the site, getting a feel for how it works and what features are available. We also checked out the user profiles, read through the FAQs, and looked at the customer service options.

We wanted to make sure we got an accurate picture of Bravodate, so we even reached out to some of the users to get their feedback. We asked them about their experiences with the site, what they liked and disliked, and whether they would recommend it to others.

Our commitment to this review is what sets us apart from other review sites. We didn’t just take a cursory look at Bravodate; we went above and beyond to ensure that our readers get the most comprehensive review possible.


1. Is Bravodate worth it?

Absolutely not. It’s a complete waste of time and money. The matches are terrible and the site is full of scammers.

2. What is Bravodate?

Bravodate is just another online dating site, trying to get people to pay for their services. It’s not worth the money and there are much better options out there. I wouldn’t recommend it.

3. How much does Bravodate cost?

Bravodate is way too expensive for what it offers. The prices are outrageous and there’s no guarantee of finding someone special. It’s definitely not worth the money.

4. Is Bravodate real?

Yes, Bravodate is real. Unfortunately, it’s not a great dating site. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a meaningful connection.


Overall, Bravodate is not a great option for those looking for an online dating site. Its pricing structure is expensive and the registration process is long and tedious. The app also lacks safety and security features that other sites have in place. Additionally, the usability of the app is poor and it is only targeting a very specific demographic. For these reasons, Bravodate is not recommended as a reliable or secure online dating platform.

William Scott

William Scott is an online dating expert and author who has been helping people find love for over a decade. He is passionate about providing honest reviews of the various dating sites and apps available, as well as offering practical advice to help singles navigate their way through the modern world of digital romance. A graduate from New York University with a degree in Psychology, William developed his expertise on relationships early on in life while studying human behavior. After graduating he worked at one of the leading matchmaking agencies where he gained invaluable insight into what makes successful matches work - something that now drives his passion for writing reviews about all aspects of online dating today. His interest was further piqued when technology began to play an ever-increasing role in our lives; especially when it came to finding potential partners or dates – this made him want to delve deeper into how these new tools could be used effectively by individuals looking for love without having them feel overwhelmed by choice or risk being taken advantage off financially due poor quality services provided by some platforms out there today . This led him down path which eventually resulted in becoming one most sought after experts within field!

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