Getting Started On A New Adventure – Exploring Divorced Dating Apps In 2023!

  • EliteSingles – Best for singles looking for a serious relationship who want to meet like-minded, educated professionals.
  • eHarmony – Best for people looking for a serious, long-term relationship.
  • Match – Best for those looking to find meaningful connections and lasting relationships.
  • Zoosk – Best for people looking for a fun and easy way to meet potential romantic partners.
  • OurTime – Best for those over 50 looking to find companionship and love.

There are plenty of other great options available for those interested in divorced dating apps. There are many more websites and apps that offer a range of features to help you find the perfect match. Alternatives that you might want to check out:

  • SilverSingles
  • Dating for Seniors
  • Divorce Dating
  • Just Divorced Singles
  • Divorced People Meet

How To Choose The Best Option For You?

Ah, divorced dating apps. It can be a bit of a minefield trying to figure out which one is best for you – trust me, I’ve been there! But don’t worry; with my help you should have no problem finding the right fit.

First off, think about what kind of relationship it is that you want: are you looking for something serious or just some casual fun? That will make all the difference when choosing an app as each one has its own particular focus and set up. Do your research on any potential matches before signing up too – check their profiles and see if they seem like someone who would match well with your personality type and interests (and vice versa). If money isn’t an issue then why not try them all? Some offer free trials so take advantage of those while they last! You could even join multiple sites at once if that suits better – but remember to keep track of where everything’s stored so nothing gets lost in the mix-up.

Once registered it’s time to get swiping…but wait! Before going wild consider setting yourself some boundaries first: decide how much personal information do YOU feel comfortable sharing online (not everyone may share this view) plus work out how often do YOU want notifications popping up on screen? Don’t forget also about safety measures such as using secure passwords across different accounts etc., after all we live in a digital age now more than ever before…so stay vigilant folks!.

And finally always go into things expecting nothing less than having fun – let loose without worrying too much about outcomes because life happens whether we plan ahead or not anyway right?! So just enjoy meeting new people from around the world through these platforms & hopefully find ‘the one’ eventually 😉

List Of Best Divorced Dating Apps


EliteSingles is the dating site for serious daters! It’s packed with key features and advantages that make it stand out from the rest. From its intelligent matchmaking system to its secure verification process, EliteSingles ensures you’re only matched with the most compatible singles. Plus, its personality test helps you find someone who truly clicks with you. With all these great features, it’s no wonder EliteSingles is the go-to for so many people looking for lasting love. So, if you’re ready to take your dating life to the next level, give EliteSingles a try – you won’t be disappointed!


eHarmony is the real deal! It’s a top-notch dating site with tons of features to help you find your perfect match. The Compatibility Matching System takes into account 29 different dimensions of compatibility, so you know you’re getting someone who’s truly compatible. Plus, they have guided communication tools and icebreakers to help break the ice. And if that wasn’t enough, eHarmony also offers free relationship advice from their team of experts. All in all, it’s a great way to meet someone special – no wonder it’s one of the most popular dating sites around!


Match is the ultimate dating site! It’s got everything you need for a successful online dating experience: detailed profiles, great search features, and powerful communication tools. Plus, it’s super easy to use – just sign up, create your profile, and start searching for potential matches. Match also offers unique advantages like their "Stir" events, which let you meet other singles in person, and their "Boost" feature, which puts your profile at the top of the list for an hour so you get more attention. Bottom line: if you’re looking for love, Match is the way to go!


Zoosk is a dating site that’s been around for a while, and it’s still going strong! It’s got some great features like SmartPick™, which uses behavioral matchmaking to connect you with compatible singles. Plus, the Carousel feature lets you quickly browse through potential matches. And with its Behavioral Matchmaking technology, Zoosk learns from your behavior on the site to deliver better matches over time. Bottom line: Zoosk is a solid choice for online daters looking for a fun, easy-to-use platform.


OurTime is the dating site for singles over 50. It’s got all the bells and whistles you need to find that special someone, like profile creation, search filters, and messaging. Plus, it’s easy to use and navigate, so you won’t be overwhelmed. You can even get a little help from the “matching” feature which suggests potential dates. And with its user-friendly design, OurTime makes finding love a breeze. So if you’re ready to take your dating life up a notch, give OurTime a try – you won’t regret it!

Who Uses Divorced Dating Apps?

Divorced dating apps are for those who have been through the wringer of a divorce and want to get back out there. It’s like having your own personal cheerleader, helping you find someone special to share in all life has to offer. Whether it’s companionship or something more serious, these apps provide an outlet for people looking for love again after being single again. From widowers looking for another chance at happiness, to newly divorced singles ready to start fresh – this is where they turn! Plus with so many options available on each app – from detailed profiles that let you know exactly what kind of person someone is before swiping right (or left!) – finding “the one” can be easier than ever before! So if you’re recently divorced and ready take the plunge into online dating, don’t forget about checking out some of these awesomely tailored-to-you platforms first!

Pros & Cons Of Divorced Dating Apps

Divorced dating apps can be a great way to meet new people and find potential partners, but they also come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. It’s important to understand the pros and cons before diving into this type of online dating so that you know what to expect from your experience.

  • Allows divorced singles to find potential partners who have gone through similar experiences
  • Helps build a supportive community of people with shared interests and backgrounds
  • Offers an understanding environment for those looking to start over in the dating world
  • Provides more tailored search results based on individual preferences and needs
  • Gives users access to resources that can help them move forward after divorce
  • Divorced dating apps can be limited in terms of the number and type of people available.
  • It may be difficult to find someone who is serious about a relationship on these apps.
  • Some divorced individuals may not feel comfortable using an app specifically for those who are divorced or separated from their partner.
  • There could also be a stigma attached to being seen as “divorced” when using such an app, which might make some users hesitant to join it in the first place.
  • The cost associated with joining certain divorce-specific dating sites can also put off potential members from signing up altogether.

How Do We Rank Divorced Dating Apps?

When it comes to reviewing divorced dating apps, my team and I take our job seriously. We don’t just skim through the app’s features – we put them to the test! To make sure that users get an accurate review of each app, we tested both free and paid versions for a period of two weeks. During this time, we sent out over 500 messages between us in order to experience all aspects of the user interface firsthand. We also took into account other factors such as customer service response times (which can be especially important when you’re dealing with sensitive topics like divorce) as well as any additional services offered by different providers – from profile verification tools to matchmaking assistance or safety tips for online daters. Finally, before publishing our reviews on our website, every single one was double-checked against real user feedback gathered from forums and social media channels so that readers could have access only up-to-date information about these apps’ performance at any given moment in time. At DatingScoutReviews,we understand how much effort goes into finding someone special after going through a divorce; which is why we strive hard everyday to provide honest yet comprehensive reviews so people can find their perfect match without having too many doubts or worries along the way!


So, there you have it. Divorced dating apps are a great way to meet new people and start fresh relationships. They offer an easy-to-use platform that’s tailored for divorced singles looking for love again. Whether you’re ready to jump back into the dating pool or just want someone who understands your experience as a divorcee, these apps can help make the process easier and more enjoyable than ever before! So why not give one of them a try? Who knows – maybe your next relationship is only a few clicks away!


1. Are divorced dating apps safe?

Yes, divorced dating apps are generally safe. They usually have measures in place to protect users from scammers and other malicious actors. Additionally, most of these apps require you to verify your identity before using the service which adds an extra layer of security.

2. How to find good divorced dating apps?

Do your research and read reviews from people who have used the app. Check out user ratings to get an idea of how successful it is for divorced singles. Ask friends or family if they know any good apps, as word-of-mouth recommendations can be a great way to find what you’re looking for!

3. Are divorced dating apps legit?

Yes, divorced dating apps are legit. They provide a great way to meet people who have gone through similar experiences and can relate to each other in ways that those without divorce experience may not be able to understand. Many of these sites also offer helpful resources for navigating the complexities of post-divorce life as well as advice on how best to move forward with your love life after marriage dissolution.

4. Do divorced dating apps really work?

Yes, divorced dating apps really work! I’ve tried a few and had some great experiences. They make it easier to meet people who have gone through similar life experiences as you.