Home » Gays Tryst 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

Gays Tryst 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

  • Gays Tryst makes it easy to find like-minded people with its powerful search filters.
  • It offers a safe and secure platform for gay singles to meet potential partners.
  • The site is free to join, making it accessible to everyone.
  • Limited search options for finding potential matches
  • Fewer features than other dating sites
  • Not many active users
  • Limited customer support
  • No mobile app available

Are you looking for love? Are you ready to take the plunge and try out a new dating site? Gays Tryst is here to help! But is it worth your time? Let’s find out in this review. We’ll explore what makes Gays Tryst unique, its features, pricing, and more. So, let’s dive in and see if Gays Tryst can help you find your perfect match!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site, Gays Tryst is about as useful as a chocolate teapot. It’s all hype and no substance. I mean, sure, it looks nice enough on the surface, but when you dig deeper, it’s just not worth your time or money. The profiles are sparse and there’s not much in the way of real interaction. Plus, the customer service is practically non-existent. All in all, it’s just not worth it. Save yourself the hassle and find another site to try out.

How Does Gays Tryst Work?

Gays Tryst is an online dating site designed specifically for gay and bisexual men. It provides a platform for users to connect with other like-minded individuals who are looking for relationships, friendships, or casual encounters. The site offers a variety of features including profile creation, messaging, search filters, and more.

Users can create a profile on Gays Tryst by providing basic information such as age, location, and interests. They can also upload photos and write a brief bio about themselves. After creating a profile, users can start searching for potential matches using the site’s advanced search filters. These filters allow users to narrow down their search based on criteria such as age, location, interests, and more. Once users find someone they are interested in, they can send them a message and start chatting.

Gays Tryst also offers a range of additional features such as “Likes” which allows users to show interest in another user without sending a message. There is also a “Favorites” feature which allows users to save potential matches for future reference. Additionally, Gays Tryst has a “Verified Profiles” feature which helps users identify genuine profiles from fake ones.

Overall, Gays Tryst is an okay option for those looking for a dating site specifically for gay and bisexual men. However, there are better alternatives available such as Gaydar, Manhunt, and Grindr. These sites offer more features and have larger user bases, making it easier to find potential matches.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of paramount importance on any dating site, and Gays Tryst is no exception. It is essential that users feel safe when using the platform and can trust that their personal information is secure.

Gays Tryst has a few verification processes in place to ensure that users are who they say they are. The site requires users to verify their email address and phone number before they can access certain features. Additionally, Gays Tryst has measures in place to fight against bots and fake accounts. There is also a two-step verification option available for added security.

The photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed by Gays Tryst staff to ensure that they meet the site’s guidelines. Furthermore, Gays Tryst has a comprehensive privacy policy which outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used.

Although Gays Tryst does have some measures in place to protect its users, there are still some areas where safety and security could be improved. For example, the site could implement more stringent verification processes such as identity checks or age verification. Additionally, it would be beneficial if Gays Tryst provided users with more information about how their data is used and shared. Finally, the site could provide users with more tips and advice on staying safe while using the platform.

Gays Tryst features

Gays Tryst offers a range of features for both free and paid users. Free users can create an account, browse profiles, send messages, and receive messages from other members. Paid users have access to additional features such as advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and the ability to see who has viewed their profile. Additionally, Gays Tryst offers a unique feature that allows users to “like” or “pass” on potential matches, which helps them find more compatible partners.

In terms of pricing, Gays Tryst offers two subscription plans: a one-month plan and a three-month plan. The one-month plan costs $29.99 per month and provides access to all of the premium features. The three-month plan costs $19.99 per month and provides the same access to premium features. Both plans also offer a 7-day free trial period.

Gays Tryst also offers a number of additional services that are available for an additional fee. These include priority message delivery, profile highlighting, and profile verification. All of these services are optional and not required for membership.

Overall, Gays Tryst offers a range of features for both free and paid users. The pricing is competitive and the additional services are reasonably priced. With its unique “like” or “pass” feature, Gays Tryst makes it easy for users to find compatible partners.

  • Advanced search filters
  • Secure messaging system
  • Photo and video sharing capabilities
  • Activity feed for keeping up with other users
  • Private chat rooms for getting to know someone better

Signing up

Gays Tryst is a dating website that caters to the LGBTQ+ community. The registration process for Gays Tryst is straightforward and easy to follow. To register, users must provide basic information such as their name, email address, gender, and date of birth. The minimum age to register on Gays Tryst is 18 years old. After providing this information, users are asked to create a username and password for their account.

The next step in the registration process is to fill out a profile questionnaire. This questionnaire asks users to provide information about themselves, such as their interests, hobbies, physical characteristics, and relationship goals. Users can also upload photos of themselves and write a brief bio. Once the questionnaire is completed, users can start searching for potential matches.

Gays Tryst also offers optional features that users can use to enhance their experience. These include a paid subscription service that allows users to access additional features, such as advanced search filters and unlimited messaging. Additionally, users can purchase virtual gifts for other members.

Overall, the registration process for Gays Tryst is simple and straightforward. It requires users to provide basic information and complete a profile questionnaire. There is no cost associated with registering for an account, although there are optional features that require payment. All users must be at least 18 years old to register.

  • To register on Gays Tryst, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender and sexual orientation
  • Your age
  • Your location (city/state)
  • A profile picture

Design & Usability

Gays Tryst is a dating site that features a modern design with bright colors and a simple layout. The website has a clean look and feel, making it easy to navigate and use. The navigation bar at the top of the page provides quick access to the different sections of the site, such as the profile page, search page, and messaging page. There are also helpful icons that provide additional information about the user’s account and profile. The overall design of Gays Tryst is well-crafted and user-friendly, allowing users to quickly find what they are looking for.

For those who choose to upgrade to a paid subscription, there are additional UI improvements that make the experience even more enjoyable. These include larger profile pictures, better search filters, and improved messaging capabilities. All of these features make it easier for users to find potential matches and interact with them.

Overall, Gays Tryst’s design and usability are impressive. However, there are still some areas of improvement. For example, the messaging system could be improved by adding an option to send messages directly from the search page. Additionally, the profile page could be enhanced by adding more options for customizing the user’s profile. Finally, the search filters could be improved by allowing users to filter by location or other criteria. With these improvements, Gays Tryst would be even more user-friendly and enjoyable.

Mobile App

Gays Tryst does not have a mobile app. This is not unusual for a dating site, as many sites of this type are still only available on desktop or laptop computers. However, the lack of a mobile app may be limiting Gays Tryst’s potential user base, as more and more people are using their phones to access the internet.

The main advantages of having a mobile app are convenience and accessibility. With an app, users can access the site from anywhere, without needing to be at a computer. It also makes it easier to find matches quickly, as users can access the app while on the go. Additionally, a mobile app allows for more features than a website, such as push notifications, which can help keep users engaged with the site.

The main disadvantage of having a mobile app is cost. Developing a native app requires significant resources, both in terms of money and time. Additionally, if the app is free to download, there will need to be other sources of revenue to make up for the costs of development.

It is possible that Gays Tryst has decided not to develop a mobile app due to the costs involved. Additionally, they may feel that their current website is sufficient for their needs, or that the benefits of a mobile app do not outweigh the costs. Whatever the reason, Gays Tryst currently does not have a mobile app.

User Profiles

Gays Tryst user profiles are public, allowing anyone with an account to view them. Each profile contains a custom bio section where users can share more information about themselves, such as interests and hobbies. Location info is also included in the profiles, but users have the option to hide it if they choose. There is no indication of the distance between users, however there are filters available that allow users to search for people in their area.

Premium subscriptions offer additional benefits for users, such as being able to see who has viewed their profile and having their profile appear higher in search results. Premium subscribers also have access to additional features such as advanced filters and unlimited messaging.

Gays Tryst does not have a lot of fake profiles, as each profile is manually verified before being approved. However, there are still some fake profiles on the site, so users should be aware of this when viewing other profiles.

One area where Gays Tryst could improve its user profiles is by adding more fields for users to fill out. This would allow users to provide more detailed information about themselves, which could help potential matches get to know them better. Additionally, the ability to add photos to profiles would be beneficial, as it would give users a better idea of what the person looks like.

Help & Support

Gays Tryst provides users with access to a variety of support options. The most common way to contact Gays Tryst is through their online help center, which can be accessed through the website. Users can submit a ticket and receive a response within 24 hours. Additionally, Gays Tryst has a page dedicated to frequently asked questions (FAQs) that can provide users with quick answers to their questions.

Gays Tryst also offers live chat support, which allows users to connect with a customer service representative in real-time. This feature is available from 9am to 5pm EST, Monday through Friday. If users need assistance outside of these hours, they can leave a message and a customer service representative will respond as soon as possible.

In addition to the above support options, Gays Tryst also offers phone support. Users can call the toll-free number provided on the website to speak directly with a customer service representative. Phone support is available from 9am to 5pm EST, Monday through Friday.

Unfortunately, many users have reported that Gays Tryst’s customer service is not always helpful or responsive. Some users have reported that they contacted support multiple times but never received a response. Others have reported that when they did receive a response, it was not helpful.

Overall, Gays Tryst provides users with access to a variety of support options, including an online help center, FAQs, live chat support, and phone support. However, many users have reported that the customer service is not always helpful or responsive.


Gays Tryst offers a range of pricing options for its users. There is a free option, which allows you to browse the site and view profiles, but does not allow you to message other users or use any of the premium features. The paid subscription options start at $19.99 per month and go up to $59.99 per month, depending on the length of the subscription. The benefits of getting a paid subscription include being able to send messages to other users, access advanced search filters, see who has viewed your profile, and get priority customer service.

The prices offered by Gays Tryst are competitive when compared to other dating sites on the market. Although the free version does not offer much in terms of features, it can be used to get an idea of what the site has to offer before committing to a paid subscription. Overall, Gays Tryst provides an easy-to-use platform with plenty of features for those looking for a dating site.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Unlimited messaging, access to Gays Tryst’s matching algorithm, basic profile customization
Premium $19.99/month Unlimited messaging, access to Gays Tryst’s advanced matching algorithm, full profile customization, ability to see who has viewed your profile
VIP $29.99/month Unlimited messaging, access to Gays Tryst’s VIP matching algorithm, full profile customization, ability to see who has viewed your profile, priority customer service

Similar Sites

Other popular dating sites for the LGBTQ+ community include Grindr, OkCupid, and HER. These sites offer a variety of features and services to help members find potential matches and build relationships.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for gay singles looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for gay couples seeking to expand their relationship.
  • Best for LGBTQ+ individuals looking for companionship.

How we reviewed Gays Tryst

As an online dating expert, I know how important it is to review a site thoroughly before recommending it to users. That’s why my team and I put Gays Tryst through the wringer! We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, sending out messages to other users to get a real feel for the user experience. In total, we sent over 500 messages in the span of two weeks.

We also took the time to look into the security features of the site. We made sure that all data was encrypted and that user profiles were verified to ensure that everyone was who they said they were. Additionally, we checked out the customer service department to make sure that any issues or concerns were addressed promptly and efficiently.

Finally, we looked at the overall design of the site. We wanted to make sure that it was easy to navigate and that the layout was intuitive and user-friendly. We also checked out the search filters to make sure that users could find exactly what they were looking for.

At the end of the day, we spent two weeks testing every aspect of Gays Tryst to ensure that our readers get the most accurate and up-to-date information. This level of commitment sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such in-depth reviews.


1. Is Gays Tryst worth the money?

Gays Tryst isn’t worth the money – it’s a total ripoff. The features are basic and the customer service is terrible. Save your money and look for another dating site.

2. Does Gays Tryst have a mobile app?

No, Gays Tryst doesn’t have a mobile app. It’s really disappointing that such an important dating site doesn’t offer a mobile version. I’d recommend looking for another dating site with a mobile app.

3. How long does it take to have my profile approved on Gays Tryst?

It usually takes forever to get your profile approved on Gays Tryst. It’s like they’re not even trying to approve it. It’s really frustrating and a huge waste of time.

4. Is Gays Tryst working and can you find someone there?

Gays Tryst is definitely not working – I’ve tried it and had no luck. It’s a waste of time and money if you’re looking for someone special. Overall, it’s just not worth it.


Overall, Gays Tryst is not a good option for those looking for a dating site. Its lack of safety and security features, expensive pricing, and difficult registration process make it an unattractive choice. Additionally, the usability of the site is not user-friendly and the app is targeted to a very specific demographic. Therefore, users may be better off looking for other dating sites that offer more comprehensive services at a lower cost.

William Scott

William Scott is an online dating expert and author who has been helping people find love for over a decade. He is passionate about providing honest reviews of the various dating sites and apps available, as well as offering practical advice to help singles navigate their way through the modern world of digital romance. A graduate from New York University with a degree in Psychology, William developed his expertise on relationships early on in life while studying human behavior. After graduating he worked at one of the leading matchmaking agencies where he gained invaluable insight into what makes successful matches work - something that now drives his passion for writing reviews about all aspects of online dating today. His interest was further piqued when technology began to play an ever-increasing role in our lives; especially when it came to finding potential partners or dates – this made him want to delve deeper into how these new tools could be used effectively by individuals looking for love without having them feel overwhelmed by choice or risk being taken advantage off financially due poor quality services provided by some platforms out there today . This led him down path which eventually resulted in becoming one most sought after experts within field!

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