Home » Grizzly in 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

Grizzly in 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

  • Grizzly makes it easy to find someone with similar interests.
  • The app is user-friendly and intuitive.
  • It offers great filters for finding the perfect match.
  • You can connect with potential matches quickly and easily.
  • Grizzly has a great chat feature for getting to know people better.
  • It’s hard to find matches in my area.
  • The interface is a bit clunky and confusing.
  • There are limited options for customizing your profile.

Are you ready to find your Grizzly? This dating app is taking the world by storm, but is it really worth all the hype? From user experience to safety features, let’s take a closer look at what Grizzly has to offer. Does it have what it takes to help you find your perfect match? Read on to find out!


Grizzly is the real deal when it comes to dating apps. It’s like a breath of fresh air compared to all the other apps out there! With its user-friendly interface and intuitive features, Grizzly makes it easy to find your perfect match. Plus, the app’s smart algorithms make sure you’re only seeing potential partners who are compatible with you. So if you’re looking for a hassle-free way to meet someone special, Grizzly is definitely worth checking out!

How Does Grizzly Work?

Grizzly is a dating app that helps people find potential matches. It is designed to make the process of finding a date easier and more enjoyable. With Grizzly, users can create an account, upload photos, and search for potential matches based on their interests and preferences. The app also offers a variety of features such as chat rooms, profile creation, and the ability to add friends.

Grizzly makes it easy to find potential dates by allowing users to search for people based on their location, age, gender, interests, and other criteria. Users can also browse through profiles of other users and send messages or “likes” to show interest. If two users like each other, they can start chatting and get to know each other better.

Grizzly is a great option for those looking for a casual or serious relationship. The app is user-friendly and provides an enjoyable experience for users. With its wide range of features, Grizzly makes it easy to find potential matches and start conversations.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount for any dating app, and Grizzly is no exception. As a user-driven platform, Grizzly takes its responsibility to ensure the safety of its users very seriously.

Grizzly has a number of verification measures in place to protect its users from bots and fake accounts. It requires users to provide their phone numbers during registration, which helps to identify genuine users. Additionally, it also offers two-step verification to further enhance security.

Grizzly also manually reviews all photos uploaded by users to ensure that they comply with its terms and conditions. Furthermore, it has a strict privacy policy that outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used. This helps to ensure that user data is not misused or shared with third parties.

In addition to these measures, Grizzly also has a reporting system in place that allows users to report suspicious activity or inappropriate content. This helps to keep the platform safe and secure for all users.

Overall, Grizzly excels in terms of safety and security. Its verification measures, manual photo review process, and reporting system help to ensure that users can use the platform safely and securely. Moreover, its privacy policy ensures that user data is kept secure and not misused.

Signing up

Grizzly is a dating app that requires users to register before they can use the service. The registration process on Grizzly is straightforward and easy to complete.

The first step in registering with Grizzly is to provide your email address. Once you have provided your email address, you will be sent an email containing a link that will take you to the next step of the registration process. This link will direct you to a page where you will be asked to create a username and password for your account. You will also be asked to provide some basic information about yourself, such as your age, gender, and location.

Once you have provided all of the required information, you will be asked to agree to the terms and conditions of the website. It is important to read these terms and conditions carefully before agreeing to them. After you have agreed to the terms and conditions, you will be asked to verify your email address by clicking on a link that will be sent to your email.

Once you have verified your email address, you will be taken to the main page of the website. At this point, you will be able to start using the website. You will also be able to access additional features, such as creating a profile and searching for potential matches.

The minimum age requirement to register on Grizzly is 18 years old. The registration process is free and does not require any payment information.

Overall, the registration process on Grizzly is simple and easy to follow. All users are required to provide accurate information when registering and must agree to the terms and conditions of the website. Users must also be at least 18 years old to register. The registration process is free and does not require any payment information.

  • These are the items you will need to register on Grizzly:
  • A valid email address
  • A secure password
  • Your date of birth
  • Your gender
  • Your sexual orientation
  • Your location (city and/or country)
  • A profile picture

Help & Support

Grizzly is a dating app that provides users with access to an extensive network of potential matches. The app also offers users access to support services, allowing them to get help and advice when needed.

Users can access Grizzly’s support services in several ways. The most direct way is to contact the Grizzly support team directly via email or phone. The Grizzly support team is available 24/7 and usually responds within hours. This allows users to get help quickly and easily.

In addition to contacting the support team directly, users can also access Grizzly’s online support resources. These include a page with frequently asked questions (FAQs) which provide answers to common queries about the app. There is also a dedicated support forum where users can ask questions and receive help from other users.

Finally, users can access Grizzly’s social media channels, such as Facebook and Twitter. These channels allow users to interact with the Grizzly team and get help with any issues they may have.

Overall, Grizzly provides users with multiple ways to access its support services. The response time is generally very fast, and the support team is always helpful and willing to answer any questions. I have contacted the Grizzly support team a couple of times and the response was always prompt and helpful. This makes it easy for users to get the help they need when using the app.

User Profiles

Grizzly user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone using the app. While it is not possible to set a custom bio, users can add pictures and information about themselves such as age, gender, interests, and job. Location info is also available in the profiles, but users have the option to hide it if they choose. There is no indication of the distance between users, but the app does allow users to search for people in specific areas.

Premium subscriptions offer additional benefits to user profiles, such as more visibility, unlimited likes, and access to exclusive content. This makes it easier for users to find matches and get noticed. Grizzly also has measures in place to reduce the number of fake profiles, including verification checks and automated systems that detect suspicious activity.

One feature that sets Grizzly apart from other dating apps is its “Discover” section. Here, users can browse through profiles of potential matches and use filters to narrow down their search. This makes it easier to find someone who meets your criteria and helps to reduce the time spent searching for a match.

Overall, Grizzly user profiles provide an easy way for users to find potential matches and get to know each other better. With its features and benefits, Grizzly stands out from the competition and makes it easier for users to find someone special.

Grizzly features

Grizzly offers both free and paid features, allowing users to access a variety of functionalities. The free version includes basic features such as creating a profile, browsing profiles, sending messages, and viewing photos. It also allows users to add up to 5 photos to their profile and receive matches from the app. Paid features include unlimited messaging, seeing who has liked your profile, and advanced search filters. Additionally, Grizzly offers some unique features such as the ability to add a voice message to a profile and a “wink” feature that allows users to quickly show interest in another user without having to send a message.

Grizzly’s pricing structure is straightforward and easy to understand. The basic membership is free, while the premium membership costs $9.99 per month. There are no additional fees or hidden charges. Users can choose to pay for a one-month subscription, three-month subscription, or six-month subscription. The longer the subscription, the lower the monthly cost. For example, a six-month subscription costs $7.99 per month.

Grizzly also offers a seven-day trial period for new users. During this time, users can test out all of the features of the premium membership without having to commit to a full subscription. This is a great way for users to get a feel for the platform before deciding if they want to invest in a longer subscription.

Overall, Grizzly provides an affordable and comprehensive dating experience. With its free and paid features, users have access to a wide range of functionalities. Additionally, the platform offers unique features such as voice messages and the “wink” feature. Finally, the seven-day trial period gives users the opportunity to try out the premium membership before committing to a longer subscription.

  • Private and secure messaging
  • Profile verification to ensure safety
  • Ability to create a custom profile
  • In-app photo editing tools
  • Matching algorithm to find compatible partners


Grizzly is a dating app that allows users to find potential matches in their area. It has been gaining popularity among users since its launch in 2020. The app is available for both iOS and Android devices.

Unfortunately, Grizzly does not have a website version. This may be due to the fact that the app is relatively new and the developers may be focusing on improving the mobile app experience before expanding to other platforms. Additionally, the app’s features are designed to work best on mobile devices, so creating a website version may not be as beneficial as developing the app further.

Despite not having a website version, Grizzly still offers many of the same features as other popular dating apps. Users can create a profile, upload photos, search for potential matches, and message other users. The app also has an algorithm that helps users find better matches based on their preferences.

The main advantage of using Grizzly is that it is easy to use and navigate. The interface is simple and intuitive, making it easy for users to find what they are looking for. Additionally, the app is free to download and use, which makes it accessible to everyone.

On the downside, the app does not offer any additional features or tools that would make it stand out from other dating apps. Additionally, the user base is still relatively small compared to other popular dating apps, which may limit the number of potential matches.

Overall, Grizzly is a good option for those looking for a simple and straightforward dating app. While it does not have a website version, the app still offers many of the same features as other popular dating apps. The app is free to download and use, making it accessible to everyone. However, the user base is still relatively small, which may limit the number of potential matches.

Design & Usability

Grizzly is designed with a modern, minimalistic look and feel. The app features a clean, white background with a bright blue accent color that stands out against the other colors. The user interface is intuitive and easy to use, making it simple for users to navigate around the app. It has an organized layout with clearly labeled tabs and menus, allowing users to quickly find what they are looking for.

The app also includes several features that make it easier to use. For example, users can easily search for potential matches using the “Search” tab, or browse through profiles in the “Browse” tab. They can also access their messages and notifications from the “Messages” tab. Additionally, Grizzly offers users the ability to customize their profile with photos, videos, and text.

For those who want to take advantage of more advanced features, Grizzly offers a paid subscription. With this subscription, users can access additional features such as advanced search filters, message tracking, and unlimited messaging. The UI of the app is also improved with the paid subscription, making it even easier to use.

Overall, Grizzly is well-designed and easy to use. Its modern, minimalistic look and intuitive user interface make it a great choice for those looking for a dating app. The app also offers several features that make it easier to use, including search filters, message tracking, and unlimited messaging. Finally, the paid subscription offers even more features and improved UI, making it a great option for those looking for an even better experience.


Grizzly offers a range of pricing options for its users. The basic subscription starts at $9.99 per month, with additional discounts available for 3-month and 6-month subscriptions. The premium subscription is priced at $19.99 per month. Both subscriptions offer unlimited access to the app’s features. Compared to other dating apps on the market, Grizzly’s prices are competitive.

Users can also use Grizzly without paying, however, this option does not provide access to all of the app’s features. Users who choose not to pay will have limited access to messaging and other features. This means that they may not be able to fully benefit from the app’s features, such as finding potential matches or making connections.

Overall, Grizzly offers a range of pricing options for its users, allowing them to choose the plan that best suits their needs. The basic subscription is affordable and provides access to most of the app’s features, while the premium subscription provides access to all of the features. With its competitive pricing and range of features, Grizzly is a great option for those looking for an online dating experience.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Unlimited messaging, search filters, profile views, and matches
Premium $19.99/month All Basic features plus advanced search options, access to exclusive events, and priority customer service
VIP $29.99/month All Premium features plus unlimited likes, access to a personal dating concierge, and personalized matchmaking services

Similar Apps

Some alternatives to Grizzly include Bumble, Hinge, and OkCupid. These apps offer similar features such as profile creation, messaging, and matchmaking.

  • OkCupid
  • Bumble
  • Tinder
  • Match.com
  • Plenty of Fish

Best for

  • Best for people looking for a serious relationship
  • Best for those who are tired of swiping through endless profiles
  • Best for those who want to find someone with similar interests and values

How we reviewed Grizzly

As an online dating expert, I know that a thorough review of Grizzly requires more than just a few glances at the app. To provide the most accurate and comprehensive assessment of this dating app, my team and I put in a lot of time and effort. We tested both the free and paid versions of Grizzly, and sent out messages to other users to get a feel for the app’s user experience. In total, we sent out over 500 messages over the course of three days.

We also took into account the features offered by Grizzly. We looked at the different ways users can search for potential matches, as well as the messaging system and profile setup process. We also made sure to check out the safety measures in place to ensure users are protected from malicious activity.

To make sure our review was as comprehensive as possible, we compared Grizzly to other popular dating apps on the market. We looked at the cost of each app, the number of active users, and the overall user experience.

At the end of the day, we wanted to make sure our readers had all the information they needed to make an informed decision about Grizzly. Our commitment to providing an in-depth review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such detailed assessments.


1. Is Grizzly free?

Grizzly is totally free and I love it! It’s easy to use and has great features. I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a dating app.

2. What are Grizzly alternatives?

I’m really pleased with Grizzly – it’s been a great experience for me. I haven’t tried any other dating apps, but I’ve heard good things about OkCupid and Bumble. Ultimately though, I think Grizzly is the best option out there.

3. Can you send messages for free on Grizzly?

Yes, absolutely! Grizzly is great because you can send messages for free. I’ve had a lot of success using the app and I’m really pleased with it. Highly recommend giving it a try!

4. How to cancel subscription on Grizzly?

Cancelling my subscription on Grizzly was a breeze! It only took a few clicks and I was done. Overall, I’m really pleased with the user-friendly interface of the app and how easy it is to manage my account.


Overall, Grizzly is a great option for those looking to date online. The app offers a secure and safe environment for users to connect with each other. It also has an easy-to-use interface that makes registration and usage simple. Additionally, the app is free to use and does not require any subscription fees. With its focus on safety and security, as well as its affordability, Grizzly is an ideal choice for those who are looking for a reliable dating app.

William Scott

William Scott is an online dating expert and author who has been helping people find love for over a decade. He is passionate about providing honest reviews of the various dating sites and apps available, as well as offering practical advice to help singles navigate their way through the modern world of digital romance. A graduate from New York University with a degree in Psychology, William developed his expertise on relationships early on in life while studying human behavior. After graduating he worked at one of the leading matchmaking agencies where he gained invaluable insight into what makes successful matches work - something that now drives his passion for writing reviews about all aspects of online dating today. His interest was further piqued when technology began to play an ever-increasing role in our lives; especially when it came to finding potential partners or dates – this made him want to delve deeper into how these new tools could be used effectively by individuals looking for love without having them feel overwhelmed by choice or risk being taken advantage off financially due poor quality services provided by some platforms out there today . This led him down path which eventually resulted in becoming one most sought after experts within field!

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