Home » 2023 IWantAsian Review: Is It Worth Trying?

2023 IWantAsian Review: Is It Worth Trying?

  • Easy to use and navigate interface.
  • Lots of members from all over the world.
  • High-quality matching algorithm for better matches.
  • Limited search options
  • Not many active users
  • Limited features compared to other dating sites
  • No way to verify user profiles
  • Expensive subscription fees

Are you ready to find the perfect match? IWantAsian is here to help! But how does this dating site measure up? Is it worth your time and money? Does it deliver on its promises? In this review, we’ll take a closer look at IWantAsian and answer all these questions and more. So buckle up and let’s get started!


Ugh, IWantAsian is a total bust. It’s like the Walmart of dating sites – you know it’s there, but why bother? The profiles are outdated and sparse, the search features are limited, and it’s just not worth your time or money. Plus, the whole thing feels kind of creepy – like they’re trying to commodify Asian women or something. Save yourself the trouble and find a better site.

How Does IWantAsian Work?

IWantAsian is an online dating platform that caters to Asian singles looking for a romantic connection. It is a great option for those who are interested in meeting someone from an Asian background. The site offers a variety of features, including a comprehensive search function, detailed profiles, and messaging capabilities.

The registration process on IWantAsian is straightforward and easy to complete. Once registered, users can create a profile with information about themselves and what they are looking for in a partner. Users can also upload photos and videos to their profile. This helps other users get to know them better.

The search function on IWantAsian allows users to narrow down their search results by location, age, interests, and more. This makes it easier to find potential matches. The messaging feature on the site allows users to send messages to each other and start conversations.

IWantAsian also has a number of safety features to help keep its users safe. These include profile verification, which requires users to provide proof of identity before being allowed to use the site. Additionally, the site has a strict anti-scam policy and encourages users to report any suspicious activity.

Overall, IWantAsian is a decent online dating platform for Asian singles. However, there are better alternatives available, such as AsianDating or eHarmony, which offer more features and a larger user base.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating, and IWantAsian takes this seriously. The site has a verification process for users, which helps to ensure that only genuine users can access the platform. It also has measures in place to fight against bots and fake accounts, making it difficult for them to join the site. Furthermore, IWantAsian offers two-step verification, giving users an extra layer of protection when logging into their account.

The photos on IWantAsian are manually reviewed by the site’s team, ensuring that all images uploaded to the platform are appropriate and adhere to the site’s guidelines. Additionally, IWantAsian has a comprehensive privacy policy that outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used. This helps to ensure that user information is kept secure and protected.

While IWantAsian does have several safety and security measures in place, there are still some areas that could be improved. For example, the site does not currently offer any form of identity verification. This means that users cannot be sure that they are interacting with real people. Additionally, the site does not have any built-in tools to help detect and prevent catfishing or other forms of fraud. Finally, the site does not provide any guidance or advice to users about how to stay safe while using the platform.

Overall, IWantAsian takes safety and security seriously and has several measures in place to protect its users. However, there are still some areas that could be improved, such as identity verification and anti-fraud measures. By implementing these additional measures, IWantAsian can ensure that its users have a safe and secure experience when using the platform.

Design & Usability

IWantAsian has a modern and sleek design with a predominantly white background, accented by blue and pink. The layout is intuitive and easy to navigate, with the main menu bar at the top of the page, and additional features like messaging and profile settings accessible from the side panel. It is also mobile-friendly, allowing users to access the site on their phones or tablets.

The usability of IWantAsian is good, with clear instructions for creating an account and setting up a profile. The search function is straightforward and allows users to narrow down results based on criteria such as age, location, and interests. The messaging system is also easy to use, with options for sending private messages, group chats, and video calls.

Paid subscribers get access to additional features such as advanced search filters, profile verification, and a “like” button that lets users express interest in another user without having to send a message. There are also some UI improvements for paid subscribers, such as larger profile pictures and more detailed profile information.

Overall, IWantAsian’s design and usability are satisfactory, although there are still some areas for improvement. For example, the search filters could be expanded to include more criteria, and the messaging system could be improved to make it easier to find conversations and contacts. Additionally, the profile verification process could be streamlined to make it quicker and simpler.

Signing up

IWantAsian is a dating website that requires users to register before they can access its services. The registration process is simple and straightforward.

To begin, users must enter their gender, sexual orientation, and age. Users must be at least 18 years old to register on the website. After providing this information, users are asked to provide an email address and create a password. This will be used to log in to the website.

Next, users must provide some basic personal information such as their name, date of birth, and location. They are also asked to upload a profile picture. This step is optional but recommended as it will help other users recognize them.

Once all the required information has been provided, users must agree to the terms and conditions of the website. This includes agreeing to abide by the site’s rules and regulations and not to post any offensive or inappropriate content.

Finally, users must confirm their account by clicking on a link sent to their email address. Once this is done, they can start using the website.

Overall, the registration process on IWantAsian is relatively simple and straightforward. It requires users to provide some basic personal information and agree to the terms and conditions of the website. Additionally, users must be at least 18 years old to register and the service is free.

  • These are the items you will need to register on IWantAsian:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you’re looking for
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • Your ethnicity
  • Your relationship status

Mobile App

IWantAsian does not have a mobile app. This is quite surprising, considering that the majority of online dating sites now offer a mobile app for their users. It could be due to the fact that IWantAsian is a relatively new site and has yet to develop an app. Alternatively, it could be because the site focuses on Asian singles, which may be a niche market.

A lack of a mobile app means that users are limited to using the website on their desktop or laptop computers. This can be inconvenient, as many people prefer to use their phones for online activities. Additionally, a mobile app would make it easier for users to access the site while they are on the go.

The advantages of having a mobile app are numerous. For starters, it would make it easier for users to stay connected with potential matches. A mobile app would also allow users to access the site’s features more quickly and conveniently. Furthermore, a mobile app would make it easier for users to search for potential matches, as well as send messages and other forms of communication.

The disadvantages of not having a mobile app include the lack of convenience and ease of use. Additionally, without a mobile app, users are limited to using the website on their desktop or laptop computers. This can be inconvenient, as many people prefer to use their phones for online activities.

Overall, IWantAsian does not have a mobile app. While this may be disappointing for some users, the lack of a mobile app does not necessarily mean that the site is not worth using. The website still offers a wide range of features and functions, and users can still find potential matches and communicate with them.

IWantAsian features

IWantAsian offers both free and paid features for its users. The free features include creating a profile, searching for other members, sending winks, and receiving messages from premium members. Paid features include viewing full profiles of other members, sending unlimited messages, using advanced search filters, and enjoying a VIP badge. Additionally, IWantAsian also offers unique features such as the ability to send virtual gifts and access to exclusive events.

The pricing structure of IWantAsian is fairly straightforward. The platform offers two subscription plans: Standard and Premium. The Standard plan costs $9.99 per month and provides access to all basic features. The Premium plan costs $19.99 per month and includes additional features such as advanced search filters and VIP badge. Additionally, there are also discounts available for long-term subscriptions. For example, a 6-month subscription costs $59.94 while a 12-month subscription costs $95.88.

In addition to the subscription plans, IWantAsian also offers a few add-on services. These include a “Boost” feature which allows users to increase their visibility on the platform, a “VIP” badge which increases the chances of being noticed by other members, and a “Gift” feature which allows users to send virtual gifts to other members. All of these services can be purchased separately or in combination with a subscription plan.

Overall, IWantAsian offers a variety of features at an affordable price. The platform has both free and paid features, as well as unique features such as virtual gifts and exclusive events. The pricing structure is straightforward and there are discounts available for long-term subscriptions. Additionally, the platform also offers a few add-on services which can be purchased separately or in combination with a subscription plan.

  • Free and easy registration process
  • Advanced search filters to help you find the perfect match
  • Comprehensive profile creation to give you an in-depth look at potential matches
  • Verified profiles to ensure authenticity
  • Live chat and messaging features for quick communication

Help & Support

IWantAsian is a dating site that provides users with access to a large pool of potential partners. The site offers a variety of features and tools to help users find compatible matches, as well as providing support to ensure users have a positive experience.

Users can access IWantAsian’s support by visiting the Help Center page on the website. Here, they can find answers to frequently asked questions, as well as contact forms for submitting inquiries or reporting issues. The response time for inquiries varies depending on the complexity of the issue, but IWantAsian generally responds within 24 hours.

In addition to the Help Center, IWantAsian also provides customer service via email and telephone. For general inquiries, users can send an email to the customer service team, which will be answered within 48 hours. For more urgent matters, users can call the customer service line, which is available 24/7.

IWantAsian also offers a range of other support services. These include a live chat feature, which allows users to speak directly with a customer service representative, as well as a comprehensive FAQ section. The FAQ section covers topics such as account setup, payment options, and safety tips.

Having used IWantAsian’s support services a few times, I can say that the response time is generally quite good. However, the quality of the responses can vary. On some occasions, I received helpful advice and solutions to my problems, while on others, I felt like my inquiries were not taken seriously.

Overall, IWantAsian provides a range of support services to ensure users have a positive experience. The Help Center page is a great resource for finding answers to frequently asked questions, while the customer service team is available via email and telephone for more complex inquiries. The live chat feature and FAQ section are also useful for getting quick answers to common questions.

User Profiles

IWantAsian user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone. It is possible to set a custom bio, but it is not mandatory. The location info in the profiles is visible and cannot be hidden. There is no indication of the distance between users. A profile with a premium subscription has access to more features such as advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and the ability to view who has liked their profile. Fake profiles are rare on IWantAsian, however there have been reports of scammers trying to take advantage of users.

User profiles on IWantAsian include basic information such as age, gender, and sexual orientation. Users can also add photos and videos to their profile, as well as an optional bio. Photos and videos must be approved by the site before they are made visible to other users. The site also offers a verification process which requires users to submit a photo or video of themselves holding a sign with their username. This helps to ensure that the profile is genuine.

The search function on IWantAsian allows users to filter potential matches by age, gender, location, and interests. It is also possible to save searches for future use. The site also offers a “matching” feature which suggests potential matches based on the user’s profile.

One area where IWantAsian could improve is in its messaging system. Currently, messages are limited to a maximum of 500 characters, which can make it difficult to get to know someone. Additionally, the site does not offer any type of video chat or voice call feature, which would be beneficial for getting to know someone better.

Overall, IWantAsian provides a good platform for finding potential matches. The profiles are easy to navigate and the search functions allow users to find people with similar interests. The verification process helps to ensure that the profiles are genuine, and the premium subscription offers additional features. However, the messaging system could be improved with longer messages and video chat/voice call options.


IWantAsian offers a variety of pricing options for users to choose from. The basic membership is free, allowing users to create a profile and browse the site. However, in order to take advantage of all the features available on IWantAsian, users must upgrade to a paid subscription.

The premium subscription plans offer various levels of access depending on how much you are willing to pay. For example, the Gold Plan gives users unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and the ability to view who has visited your profile. The Platinum Plan includes additional features such as priority customer service and VIP profile highlighting.

Overall, IWantAsian’s pricing is competitive compared to other dating sites on the market. While the free membership does not provide full access to the site, it still allows users to get a feel for what IWantAsian has to offer. With the paid subscription plans, users can unlock more features and have an enhanced experience.

Subscription Option Price Features
1 Month $19.99 Unlimited messaging, unlimited access to profiles, view full-size photos, see who’s viewed your profile, send winks and virtual gifts.
3 Months $39.99 All features of 1 month subscription plus advanced search options, hide profile from searches, priority customer service.
6 Months $59.99 All features of 3 month subscription plus access to exclusive events, VIP membership status, and special offers.

Similar Sites

Other popular dating sites that cater to Asian singles include EastMeetEast and FindLoveAsia. Both of these sites offer a wide range of features and services to help users find compatible matches.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those looking for an Asian partner.
  • Best for those seeking a long-term relationship.
  • Best for those interested in exploring different cultures and backgrounds.

How we reviewed IWantAsian

My team and I took a deep dive into reviewing IWantAsian. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, spending days sending messages to other users. In total, we sent over 500 messages to get a feel for how the platform works. We also tested out the features that make IWantAsian unique, such as its video chat capabilities and compatibility quiz. To make sure our review was thorough, we even tried out the mobile app version of the site. We took time to carefully examine each feature, taking notes on how user-friendly they were and if they provided an enjoyable experience.

We didn’t just stop there. We went the extra mile by interviewing members who had been using IWantAsian for some time. This allowed us to get an inside look at what it’s like to be a part of this community. We asked them about their experiences with the site, from the messaging system to the customer service. This gave us valuable insight into how well the site is run and what users can expect when signing up.

At the end of the day, we wanted to make sure our review was comprehensive and honest. That’s why we spent so much time testing and researching IWantAsian. We wanted to provide readers with an in-depth look at the site so they could make an informed decision about whether or not it’s right for them. Our commitment to providing detailed reviews sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such extensive reviews.


1. Can you delete your IWantAsian account?

Yes, you can delete your IWantAsian account. But it’s a real hassle and it’s not as straightforward as it should be. Plus, it takes forever to complete the process. Definitely not recommended.

2. How much does IWantAsian subscription cost?

IWantAsian is pretty pricey – subscription costs are way too high for what you get. You’re better off looking elsewhere for a dating site that won’t break the bank. Definitely not worth it in my opinion.

3. How many users does IWantAsian have?

IWantAsian doesn’t seem to be very popular. I haven’t seen many people using it, and there’s no information on their website about how many users they have. It’s definitely not the best dating site out there.

4. Is IWantAsian real?

IWantAsian is definitely real, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s not a great site and there are much better options out there for online dating. Save yourself the trouble and look elsewhere.


Overall, IWantAsian is not a great option for those looking for an online dating experience. While the app does offer some unique features such as video chat and translation services, it falls short in other areas. The registration process is overly complicated and the pricing structure is confusing. Furthermore, the app is geared towards a specific demographic, which may limit its appeal to a wider audience. Additionally, there are concerns about safety and security on the platform, making it difficult to recommend. For these reasons, IWouldAsian is not recommended for those seeking a quality online dating experience.

Ryan Carter

Ryan Carter is an online dating expert and a passionate advocate for finding love in the digital age. He has been helping people navigate the world of modern romance since his own success story with online dating began several years ago. Ryan holds a degree in psychology from Harvard University, where he developed an interest in understanding human behavior and relationships through data analysis. His experience as both a successful dater himself, combined with his academic background have given him unique insight into what works (and doesn't work) when it comes to meeting someone special on apps or websites like Tinder or Match.com . When asked why he chose this career path, Ryan says that after seeing so many friends struggle to find meaningful connections using traditional methods such as bars and clubs - not to mention how time consuming they can be! - he wanted to share some of the strategies that had worked for him personally while navigating various platforms over the past few years; providing helpful tips & tricks along with honest reviews about different sites/apps based on real user experiences rather than marketing hype alone. With this mission firmly at heart, Ryan continues writing articles & reviews designed specifically help singles make informed decisions about which platform might best suit their needs – whether it’s looking for something serious or just having fun getting out there without any pressure attached!

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