Home » LoveHabibi: A Comprehensive 2023 Review & Guide

LoveHabibi: A Comprehensive 2023 Review & Guide

  • Easy to use interface
  • Plenty of active users
  • Secure and reliable platform
  • Limited search filters make it hard to find the right match.
  • Limited messaging features make it difficult to get to know someone.
  • The free version of the site is quite limited in terms of features.

Are you looking for love? Or maybe just a fun fling? If so, LoveHabibi could be the perfect place for you! This online dating site is designed to help you find your match in no time. But what makes it stand out from the rest? Is it worth your time and money? Let’s dive into this review and find out!


LoveHabibi is like a fast food restaurant. It’s not the best spot for dating, but it’ll do in a pinch. It’s got a decent selection of people to choose from and you can get what you need quickly. Plus, the site has a nice, friendly atmosphere. Sure, it might not be the fanciest place on the block, but it’s still a good option if you’re looking for someone special. So, if you’re in the market for a date, LoveHabibi is worth checking out!

How Does LoveHabibi Work?

LoveHabibi is an online dating platform that connects people from all over the world. It offers a variety of features, including messaging, video chat, and even a mobile app. However, LoveHabibi has some drawbacks that should be considered before using it.

First, LoveHabibi does not have any type of screening process for its users. This means that anyone can join the site without being vetted by the company. This could lead to potential safety issues as there is no way to know if the person you are communicating with is who they say they are.

Second, LoveHabibi does not offer any type of matching system. This means that users must manually search through profiles in order to find someone they are interested in. This can be time consuming and may not yield the best results.

Finally, LoveHabibi does not offer any type of customer service or support. If a user has an issue or question, they must contact the company directly via email. This can be inconvenient and slow, especially if the issue is urgent.

Overall, LoveHabibi is an online dating platform that offers a variety of features. However, due to its lack of screening process, lack of matching system, and lack of customer service, it is not recommended as a viable option for those looking for a serious relationship.

Signing up

LoveHabibi is a dating website that allows users to create profiles and find potential matches. The registration process for LoveHabibi is straightforward and can be completed in a few steps.

The first step of the registration process is to enter basic information such as gender, age, location, and a valid email address. Users must be at least 18 years old to register on LoveHabibi. After entering this information, users are asked to create a username and password. It is important to note that usernames must be unique and passwords must be at least 8 characters long.

The next step of the registration process is to provide additional information about yourself. This includes your ethnicity, religious beliefs, education level, and other personal details. Once this information is provided, users are asked to upload a profile picture. It is recommended that users use a recent photo of themselves for their profile picture.

The final step of the registration process is to verify your account. This is done by clicking on a link sent to the email address provided during the initial registration. Once the account is verified, users can begin searching for potential matches.

Overall, the registration process for LoveHabibi is simple and easy to complete. It is free to register and users must be at least 18 years old to join. By providing basic information and personal details, users can create an account and start searching for potential matches.

  • These are the requirements to register on LoveHabibi:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Country of residence

User Profiles

LoveHabibi user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who has an account. It is possible to set a custom bio on the profile, which can include information about yourself, such as your interests, hobbies, and other personal details. Location information is also included in the profiles, but it is possible to hide this information if desired. There is no indication of the distance between users, so it is not possible to tell how far away someone is from you.

Premium subscription profiles have several benefits, including access to advanced search filters, more visibility for the profile, and the ability to send unlimited messages. Premium subscribers also get access to exclusive events and discounts.

LoveHabibi takes measures to reduce the amount of fake profiles on the site. All profiles must be verified before they can be used, and any suspicious activity is reported to the site’s moderators. The moderators then take action to remove any fake profiles or inappropriate content.

In addition to the basic profile information, LoveHabibi also allows users to upload photos and videos. Users can also add friends, create groups, and join discussions. They can also view the profiles of other users and send messages to them. The site also offers a variety of tools to help users find potential matches, such as the "Who’s Near Me" feature, which shows users who are nearby.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of paramount importance when it comes to online dating. It is essential that users feel secure and protected while looking for a potential partner. LoveHabibi takes the safety and security of its users seriously and has put in place several measures to ensure their protection.

LoveHabibi offers a verification process for users, which helps to protect against bots and fake accounts. This verification requires users to provide a valid email address and phone number, as well as a valid photo ID. The site also offers a two-step verification option, which adds an extra layer of security. All photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed to ensure they are appropriate and meet the site’s standards.

In terms of privacy, LoveHabibi has a strict policy in place. All personal information is kept secure and confidential, and only shared with third parties when necessary. Users have the ability to control who can view their profile and who can contact them.

Although LoveHabibi does have measures in place to ensure the safety and security of its users, there are still areas that could be improved. For example, the site could offer more detailed advice on how to stay safe while using the platform. Additionally, LoveHabibi could provide users with more information about how their data is used and stored. Finally, the site could offer additional features such as a ‘block’ button or a ‘report’ button, to allow users to quickly and easily report any suspicious activity.

Overall, LoveHabibi takes the safety and security of its users seriously and has implemented several measures to ensure their protection. However, there are still areas that could be improved, such as providing more detailed advice on staying safe while using the platform and offering additional features to help users report suspicious activity.

Mobile App

LoveHabibi does not have a mobile app. It is only available as a website. There are several possible reasons why LoveHabibi has chosen not to develop a mobile app. Firstly, it may be that the company does not have the resources or budget to create and maintain an app. Secondly, LoveHabibi may have decided that their website provides all the features they need and that an app would not add any additional value for users. Thirdly, it could be that LoveHabibi wants to focus on its website rather than developing an app.

The lack of a mobile app means that users must access LoveHabibi via the website. This can be done through any internet browser on a smartphone or tablet. The website is optimized for mobile devices, so it should be easy to use. However, it is not as convenient as using an app, which can be accessed with just one tap.

Another disadvantage of not having a mobile app is that users may find it harder to stay connected with LoveHabibi. Apps can send notifications to remind users to log in and check their messages, while websites do not offer this feature. This could lead to users forgetting about LoveHabibi and not logging in regularly.

Overall, LoveHabibi does not have a mobile app. This means that users must access the website via their internet browser, which is not as convenient as using an app. Additionally, users may find it harder to stay connected with LoveHabibi without the help of notifications.

Design & Usability

LoveHabibi has a modern and inviting design, with a predominantly white background that is complemented by warm, muted colors. The website’s layout is intuitive and easy to navigate, with a simple menu bar at the top of the page that allows users to quickly access the different sections of the site. On the homepage, users can find a selection of profiles they may be interested in, as well as featured articles and stories about successful LoveHabibi couples.

The usability of LoveHabibi is excellent, with all features and options clearly laid out and easy to find. The search function is particularly helpful, allowing users to narrow down their search results based on various criteria such as age, location, interests, and more. Additionally, LoveHabibi provides an array of communication tools, from instant messaging to video chat, so users can get to know each other better.

For those looking for even more features, LoveHabibi offers a paid subscription service that unlocks additional features, such as advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and priority customer support. These features are designed to make it easier for users to find their perfect match.

Overall, LoveHabibi’s design is attractive and user-friendly, providing an enjoyable experience for users regardless of whether they have a free or paid account. The website’s intuitive layout and comprehensive search functions make it easy to find potential matches, while the communication tools allow users to connect with each other. With its modern design and extensive features, LoveHabibi is a great option for anyone looking for love.

LoveHabibi features

LoveHabibi offers a range of features for both free and paid users. Free users can create a profile, browse other profiles, and send messages to members they are interested in. Paid users have access to additional features such as an advanced search, the ability to view who has visited their profile, and the option to hide their profile from non-premium members. LoveHabibi also offers unique features such as a ‘Verified Badge’ that allows users to show that their profile is authentic and not a fake account.

When it comes to pricing, LoveHabibi offers several options for premium membership. The basic plan costs $9.99 per month, while the premium plan costs $19.99 per month. Both plans offer the same features, but the premium plan gives users access to additional features such as advanced search filters and priority customer support. Additionally, users can purchase a 3-month subscription for $49.99 or a 6-month subscription for $79.99. All plans come with a 7-day money back guarantee.

LoveHabibi also offers a VIP membership which provides exclusive access to certain features such as priority customer support, unlimited messaging, and the ability to see who has viewed your profile. The VIP membership costs $29.99 per month or $89.99 for a 3-month subscription.

Overall, LoveHabibi offers a variety of features for both free and paid users. The pricing plans are competitively priced and offer a range of features for users to choose from.

  • Secure and confidential environment
  • Ability to search for compatible matches based on interests, lifestyle, and location
  • Comprehensive profile creation with options to add photos, videos, and more
  • Instant messaging and chatroom features
  • Multilingual support

Help & Support

LoveHabibi provides support to its users through a few different channels. Users can contact the LoveHabibi team directly via email or by submitting a request form on the website. The response time for both of these methods is usually within 24 hours, although it can take longer depending on the complexity of the issue.

LoveHabibi also has a page with frequently asked questions (FAQs) which provides answers to some of the most common queries. This page is updated regularly and contains useful information about how to use the site, account settings, and more.

I have contacted LoveHabibi’s support team a couple of times in the past and the response was good. However, it did take a while for them to get back to me. This could be because they receive a lot of requests from users and have to prioritize their responses.

In addition to the FAQs page, LoveHabibi also offers help articles that provide detailed instructions on how to use the site. These articles are easy to understand and cover topics such as creating an account, finding matches, messaging other users, and more.

Overall, LoveHabibi provides good support to its users. They respond quickly to emails and requests, and they have helpful FAQs and help articles. Although the response time can sometimes be slow, the support team is usually very helpful and willing to answer any questions you may have.


LoveHabibi offers a range of pricing options for its users. The basic membership is free, allowing users to create a profile and browse other members’ profiles. However, the features are limited compared to those available with a paid subscription. A premium membership costs $19.99 per month, and includes unlimited messaging, advanced search capabilities, and access to exclusive chat rooms. The cost is competitive compared to other dating sites on the market.

For those who want more control over their online dating experience, LoveHabibi also offers a VIP membership. This option costs $39.99 per month and provides access to additional features such as private photo albums, video chat, and an increased number of profile views.

Overall, LoveHabibi offers a range of pricing options that can suit different budgets and preferences. While the basic membership is free, it does not offer the same level of features as a paid subscription. For those looking for a more comprehensive online dating experience, the premium and VIP memberships provide access to additional features that can enhance the user experience.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic $19.99/month Create a profile, browse profiles, send messages, and access advanced search filters.
Premium $29.99/month Access to all basic features plus the ability to see who has viewed your profile, send unlimited messages, and access additional search filters.
VIP $49.99/month Access to all basic and premium features plus the ability to highlight your profile, have your messages appear at the top of other users’ inboxes, and get priority customer support.

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to LoveHabibi include OkCupid, Match.com, and eHarmony, all of which are popular dating sites. Other options include Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge, which are more geared towards casual dating.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for Muslims looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for people of Middle Eastern descent seeking companionship.
  • Best for individuals interested in intercultural relationships.

How we reviewed LoveHabibi

When it comes to reviewing LoveHabibi, we don’t mess around. We took the time to test out both the free and paid versions of the site, sending over 500 messages in a span of two weeks. That’s right, we spent two whole weeks swiping left and right and chatting with other users.

We also took the time to look at all the features that LoveHabibi offers, from their messaging system to their search filters. We even checked out their mobile app to see how well it works.

But that’s not all. We also looked into the safety and security measures that LoveHabibi has in place to make sure that users are protected from scammers and fraudsters. We even checked out their customer service to make sure that they’re responsive and helpful.

At the end of the day, our commitment to providing an in-depth review sets us apart from other review sites. We take the time to really get to know the sites we review so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not LoveHabibi is the right dating site for you.


1. Is LoveHabibi safe?

LoveHabibi is a decent option for online dating, but it’s not the safest. It does have some security measures in place, but there are other sites that offer more comprehensive safety features. Ultimately, it’s up to you to make sure you’re staying safe while using any online dating site.

2. How to register for LoveHabibi?

Registering for LoveHabibi is easy and straightforward. All you need to do is provide some basic information about yourself, such as your gender, age, location, and interests. It’s a decent dating site, but there are better options out there if you’re looking for something more serious.

3. How many users does LoveHabibi have?

LoveHabibi is a decent dating site, but it doesn’t have as many users as some of the more popular ones. It’s not the biggest out there, but it still has a good selection of singles to choose from. Overall, LoveHabibi is a solid option if you’re looking for an online dating experience.

4. Is LoveHabibi any good?

LoveHabibi is a decent dating site, but it’s not the best out there. It has some nice features, but overall I would recommend looking into other options before settling on LoveHabibi. It’s worth checking out, but don’t expect to find your perfect match right away.


Overall, LoveHabibi is an okay option among other dating sites. It offers a safe and secure platform for users to connect with potential partners. The registration process is straightforward and the app is user-friendly. However, the pricing of the site is slightly higher than other dating sites and it is mainly targeting Muslims. Therefore, if you are looking for a more affordable dating site or one that caters to a wider range of people, then LoveHabibi may not be the best choice for you.

Ryan Carter

Ryan Carter is an online dating expert and a passionate advocate for finding love in the digital age. He has been helping people navigate the world of modern romance since his own success story with online dating began several years ago. Ryan holds a degree in psychology from Harvard University, where he developed an interest in understanding human behavior and relationships through data analysis. His experience as both a successful dater himself, combined with his academic background have given him unique insight into what works (and doesn't work) when it comes to meeting someone special on apps or websites like Tinder or Match.com . When asked why he chose this career path, Ryan says that after seeing so many friends struggle to find meaningful connections using traditional methods such as bars and clubs - not to mention how time consuming they can be! - he wanted to share some of the strategies that had worked for him personally while navigating various platforms over the past few years; providing helpful tips & tricks along with honest reviews about different sites/apps based on real user experiences rather than marketing hype alone. With this mission firmly at heart, Ryan continues writing articles & reviews designed specifically help singles make informed decisions about which platform might best suit their needs – whether it’s looking for something serious or just having fun getting out there without any pressure attached!

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