Home » Salams 2023: A Comprehensive Guide to its Benefits, Features & Suitability

Salams 2023: A Comprehensive Guide to its Benefits, Features & Suitability

  • Salams is easy to use and navigate.
  • It has a great selection of potential matches.
  • The messaging system is secure and reliable.
  • Limited to users in the Middle East and North Africa region
  • Does not have a desktop version
  • Users must be 18 or older
  • Limited features compared to other dating apps
  • Requires a Facebook account to sign up

Are you ready to take the plunge into the world of online dating? Well, if you are, then Salams is here to help! This app promises to make finding love easier than ever before. But does it really deliver? Is it worth your time and energy? We’ll take a deep dive into Salams and find out! From user experience to safety features, we’ll cover it all so you can decide if this is the right dating app for you. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!


Salams is like a bad blind date – it’s not worth your time or money. It’s the dating app equivalent of a one-night stand – sure, it might seem fun at first, but you’re likely to regret it in the morning. There’s no real substance here – it’s all fluff and no follow-through. I’d say give Salams a pass – there are better apps out there that will actually help you find a real connection.

How Does Salams Work?

Salams is a dating app that connects people from all over the world. It offers users a unique and safe way to meet new people, make friends, and even find love. Salams allows users to create a profile, upload photos, and search for potential matches based on their preferences. The app also provides an array of features such as chat rooms, video calls, and messaging capabilities.

The Salams platform is easy to use and provides users with a variety of options to customize their experience. Users can filter their search results by age, gender, location, interests, and more. They can also send messages, share photos, and participate in group chats. Additionally, Salams offers users the ability to create private chat rooms and view other user’s profiles.

Overall, Salams is an okay option for those looking to find a date or just meet new people. However, there are better alternatives out there with more features and better security measures. For example, some apps offer users the ability to verify their identity and provide additional safety features such as photo verification. Additionally, many apps offer users more detailed profiles, allowing them to get to know each other better before meeting up.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating, and Salams is no exception. Salams takes the safety of its users seriously, offering several verification options to ensure that all users are who they say they are. Salams also has a robust system in place to fight against bots and fake accounts, and offers two-step verification for extra security. Additionally, all photos uploaded to Salams are manually reviewed by moderators to ensure they meet the app’s standards.

Salams also has a strict privacy policy in place, which outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used. The policy also explains how users can control their data and how it is shared with third parties.

While Salams does have some measures in place to protect its users, there are still areas where it could improve its safety and security protocols. For example, Salams should consider implementing an AI-based system to detect suspicious activity and potential scams. This would help identify and block any malicious accounts before they can cause harm. Additionally, Salams should provide more detailed information about its privacy policy, including how user data is secured and what happens if it is breached. Finally, Salams should offer users the option to report suspicious or inappropriate behavior directly from the app.

Overall, Salams has taken steps to ensure the safety and security of its users, but there is always room for improvement. By implementing additional measures such as AI-based systems, providing more detailed information about its privacy policy, and allowing users to report suspicious behavior, Salams can ensure that its users feel safe and secure while using the app.


Salams does not have a website version. The app is available on both iOS and Android platforms, but there is no website counterpart. This is likely due to the fact that Salams is a mobile-first dating app, meaning it was designed with the intention of being used on smartphones and tablets.

The app is designed to be simple and easy to use, with features such as swipe-to-like, chat, video calls, and more. It also has a built-in matchmaking algorithm that helps users find compatible matches based on their interests and preferences.

The main advantage of using the Salams app is its convenience. Users can access the app from anywhere, anytime, and can quickly and easily find potential matches. Additionally, the app is free to download and use, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

The main disadvantage of using the Salams app is that it doesn’t offer many features compared to other dating apps. For example, there are no profile verification options or advanced search filters, which can make it difficult for users to find suitable matches. Additionally, the app lacks the ability to create detailed profiles, which can limit the amount of information users can share about themselves.

Overall, Salams is a useful and convenient dating app, but it does lack some features that other apps offer. While there is no website version of Salams, the app is still a viable option for those looking for a quick and easy way to meet potential matches.

Salams features

Salams offers a range of features for both free and paid users. The free version includes the ability to create a profile, browse other profiles, send messages, and use basic filters. Paid members have access to additional features such as advanced filters, read receipts, unlimited messaging, and the ability to see who has viewed their profile. Salams also offers some unique features such as a personality test that helps users find matches with similar interests, and a “Secret Crush” feature which allows users to anonymously express interest in another user.

The pricing structure for Salams is straightforward and affordable. There are two subscription options: a one-month plan for $9.99 per month, or a three-month plan for $7.99 per month. Both plans offer the same features, so it’s up to the user to decide which one works best for them. Salams also offers a seven-day free trial, allowing users to try out the app before committing to a subscription.

In addition to the subscription plans, Salams also offers a few add-ons that can be purchased separately. These include the ability to hide your profile from certain users, an anonymous chat feature, and a “boost” feature that puts your profile at the top of the search results for a limited time.

Overall, Salams offers a range of features for both free and paid users, and its pricing structure is straightforward and affordable. With its unique features and add-ons, Salams provides users with a comprehensive dating experience.

  • Matchmaking algorithm to find compatible matches
  • Private messaging feature to chat with potential matches
  • User profile customization options
  • Photo verification system for added security
  • Push notifications to alert users of new matches and messages

User Profiles

Salams user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who has an account. It is possible to set a custom bio, however there is no character limit so it is important to keep it concise. Location info is included in the profile, but users have the option to hide it if they wish. There is no indication of the distance between users on Salams, so it can be difficult to know how far away someone is from you.

Premium subscription users benefit from additional features such as unlimited likes, message read receipts, and more. However, there is no guarantee that premium users will receive more matches or better quality matches than non-premium users.

Fake profiles are not uncommon on Salams, however the app does take steps to ensure that only real people are using the platform. The best way to avoid fake profiles is to look for signs such as incomplete profiles, generic bios, and suspicious photos.

One area where Salams could improve is its search feature. Currently, the search function is limited to age, gender, and location, which makes it difficult to find specific types of people. It would be helpful if the app allowed users to search for potential matches based on interests, hobbies, and other criteria.

Overall, Salams offers a straightforward user experience with basic profile information and options to hide location data. Premium users have access to additional features, although there is no guarantee of better matches. Fake profiles do exist, but the app takes steps to ensure that only real people are using the platform. To improve the user experience, Salams should consider adding more search filters to make it easier to find potential matches.

Design & Usability

Salams has a modern and minimalistic design, with bright colors that are pleasing to the eye. The main color palette consists of blue, green, yellow, and pink. The overall look is clean and easy to navigate, with a simple layout that makes it easy to find what you need. The usability of the site is also excellent, with intuitive navigation and an uncluttered interface.

The user experience on Salams is smooth and straightforward. All the features are easily accessible from the home page, and users can quickly create an account and start using the app. There are also plenty of helpful tutorials and guides available to help users get started. Additionally, the search function is fast and accurate, allowing users to quickly find potential matches.

For those who want more features, Salams offers a paid subscription which includes additional UI improvements. These include advanced filters, better sorting options, and improved messaging capabilities. This allows users to customize their experience and find more compatible matches.

Overall, Salams provides a great user experience with its modern design and intuitive navigation. However, there are still some areas for improvement. For example, the profile creation process could be simplified, and more detailed profiles would be beneficial. Additionally, the search function could be improved to allow users to search by specific criteria such as age, location, and interests. Finally, the messaging system could be enhanced to make it easier to communicate with potential matches.

Help & Support

Salams provides users with a variety of support options to ensure that they have the best experience possible. The app offers both in-app and online support, allowing users to get help quickly and easily.

In-app support is available through the Salams Help Center, which can be accessed from the main menu. This section contains a range of FAQs and troubleshooting guides, as well as contact information for the Salams customer service team. Users can also use the in-app chat feature to ask questions or get help from the customer service team.

Online support is also available through the Salams website. The website contains a comprehensive list of FAQs and troubleshooting guides, as well as contact information for the customer service team. Additionally, users can submit a ticket directly from the website to receive assistance from the customer service team.

The Salams customer service team is available 24/7 and typically responds to inquiries within 24 hours. However, some users have reported that their inquiries have gone unanswered or that the response was not helpful.

Overall, Salams provides users with a variety of support options to ensure that they have the best experience possible. The in-app and online support options make it easy for users to get help quickly and easily. Additionally, the customer service team is available 24/7 and typically responds to inquiries within 24 hours. However, some users have reported that their inquiries have gone unanswered or that the response was not helpful.

Signing up

The registration process on the Salams website is straightforward and easy to complete. To register, users must first create an account by providing their email address and creating a password. After that, they will be asked to provide some basic information about themselves such as their name, age, gender, and location.

Once these details have been provided, users will be asked to upload a profile picture and answer a few questions about themselves. This includes questions about their interests, hobbies, lifestyle, and what they are looking for in a partner. Once this is done, users can then start browsing other profiles and messaging potential matches.

The minimum required age to register on the Salams website is 18 years old. The registration process is free of charge and users can start using the app immediately after signing up.

In addition to the registration process, Salams also offers users the option to verify their accounts with a photo ID. This is an optional step but it helps to ensure that all users are genuine and provides an extra layer of security.

Overall, the registration process on the Salams website is quick and easy to complete. It requires users to provide some basic information about themselves and answer a few questions. The minimum required age to register is 18 years old and the process is free of charge. Additionally, users have the option to verify their accounts with a photo ID if they wish.

  • These are the requirements to register on Salams:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • A profile picture


Salams offers a range of pricing options for its users. The basic subscription is free, allowing users to create an account and browse profiles. However, in order to send messages or use other features, users must upgrade to a paid subscription. Salams offers two levels of paid subscriptions: Standard and Premium. The Standard subscription costs $9.99 per month, while the Premium subscription costs $19.99 per month. Both subscriptions offer access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, profile boosting, and advanced search filters.

Overall, Salams’ pricing is competitive compared to other dating apps on the market. While the free version does not provide access to all features, it still allows users to explore the app and get a feel for what it has to offer. This makes it a great option for those who are new to online dating and want to test out the waters before committing to a paid subscription. Additionally, Salams offers discounts for longer subscription periods, making it even more affordable for those looking for a long-term relationship.

Subscription Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Unlimited matches, send messages, browse profiles, and view photos
Premium $19.99/month All Basic features plus: advanced search filters, see who’s liked you, read receipts, and more
VIP $29.99/month All Premium features plus: priority customer service, exclusive discounts, and access to VIP events

Similar Apps

Other dating apps that may be worth exploring include Bumble, Hinge, and OkCupid. These apps offer different features and user experiences than Salams, so it’s worth checking them out to see which one is the best fit for you.

  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Hinge

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for people who are looking for someone with similar values and beliefs.
  • Best for people who want to find someone with whom they can share their culture and traditions.

How we reviewed Salams

As an online dating expert, I and my team took the time to review Salams in-depth. We tested both the free and paid versions of the app, sending messages to other users and spending time getting to know the platform. Over the course of a week, we sent over 100 messages and spent more than 10 hours using the app.

We looked at the features offered by Salams, including the messaging system, profile creation process, and matchmaking algorithm. We also tested the user interface, making sure it was easy to use and navigate. We paid special attention to the security measures taken by the app, ensuring that all data was encrypted and secure.

We also took the time to read reviews from other users, looking for any potential issues or problems with the app. We also looked at the customer service offered by Salams, making sure they were available to answer questions and address any issues.

At the end of our review, we concluded that Salams is a great dating app. It offers a secure and easy-to-use platform, with plenty of features to help users find their perfect match. Our commitment to providing an in-depth review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such comprehensive reviews.


1. Is Salams free?

No, Salams isn’t free. It’s a money grab – you have to pay for premium features. I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re looking for a free dating app.

2. How much does Salams subscription cost?

Salams subscription costs way too much for what it offers. It’s definitely not worth the money and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. There are much better dating apps out there that are more affordable.

3. Does Salams have a mobile app?

No, Salams doesn’t have a mobile app. That’s a huge downside for me and I’m sure many other users. It’s a shame that it’s not available on the go.

4. How can I contact Salams?

You can contact Salams through their app, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a hassle to use and you’ll likely get lost in the sea of other users. Plus, there are better dating apps out there that offer more features and better customer service.


Overall, Salams is not a good option for those looking for a dating app. The pricing is too high and the registration process is overly complicated. Additionally, the app does not prioritize safety and security, making it difficult to trust the platform. Furthermore, the usability of the app is poor, making it difficult to navigate and find matches. Finally, Salams is primarily targeting users in the Middle East, so it may not be suitable for people from other parts of the world. In conclusion, Salams is not a recommended dating app due to its lack of features, security, and usability.

David Nelson

David Nelson is an online dating expert and avid writer. He has a degree in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and extensive experience working with couples counseling. His background gives him unique insight into relationships, which he uses to review various online dating sites and apps for his readers. David’s passion for helping people find love began when he was young; growing up in a small town where many of his friends had difficulty finding meaningful connections led David to explore how technology could help bridge that gap between singles looking for romance or companionship. After college, David decided to pursue this further by studying psychology at UC Berkeley so that he could gain more knowledge about human behavior as it relates to romantic relationships—a subject matter that fascinates him even today! Since then, David has been writing reviews on different types of online dating services including mobile applications such as Tinder and Bumble as well as websites like Matchmaker or eHarmony . Through these reviews ,he hopes not only inform potential users but also give them helpful advice on how they can make their own experiences successful ones —whether through choosing the right platform or navigating conversations with other members safely . In addition ,his articles provide thoughtful insights into why certain features work better than others depending upon one's individual needs . When asked what drives him most about this profession ,David states “I want everyone who reads my work – whether they are single looking for someone special or already involved in a relationship –to feel empowered enought o take control over their lives ." With each article published ,it seems clear that his mission is being accomplished !

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